PAAS Easter Coloring Kit

Growing up as a kid, coloring Easter Eggs was a must!  Mom would hard boil the eggs and my sisters and I would color our eggs with florescent colors to look, what we thought, all Easter like.  We never used PAAS Easter coloring kits, but used Doc Hinkle’s Paint On coloring kits.  I loved these because I could color intricate designs, but I always wanted to PAAS kits because of the stickers.

This commercial isn’t the best Easter commercial, but it does give off the classic 80s vibe that I love.  I love how it shows you how to use it during the commercial, like parents couldn’t read the instructions.  What I found out years later, now that I have kids, is the colors are not nearly as vibrant as the commercial shows.  That bums me out, and very glad my parents never got those kits for me as a kit.  Also, it seems like with the PAAS kits, it goes by so much faster since you dye the eggs and you’re done.  No taking time to draw beautiful designs.

Stick around after the commercial is over to get a lesson on how to dye eggs, if you care, lol.

Thanks Easter Bunny

Easter, kids, classic jingle, and it is all wrapped in a great 80s commercial.  There are some commercials that you need to see to make it a holiday and this was one that it just wasn’t Easter until I saw this commercial.  Being a kid and watching a lot of cartoons in the 80s, I saw this a lot!

For some reason I think I didn’t enjoy this commercial when I was younger.  Not sure why because it is classic!  Kids happy to be finding M&Ms, and I love the young man with the black eye sorrowfully thanking the Easter bunny.  As a kid, I don’t ever remember getting M&Ms on Easter.  Everything was either Russel Stover’s or Hershey’s.  Seeing that I group up in Hershey, you can probably understand the Hershey’s favoritism.  Just wasn’t Easter without a Russel Stover’s chocolate rabbit.  Maybe the fact that I never got M&Ms on Easter might be why I didn’t like this commercial?  Hershey Ets were much better, but maybe I am just partial to them.  But this doesn’t take away from a great commercial.  Watch it below and enjoy once again the retro goodness of this great 80’s commercial.

McDonald’s Shamrock Shakes

McDonalds has many seasonal menu items and I don’t think there is any item that brings as much happiness as the Shamrock Shake.  Yes, they have the McRib, but that is a cult favorite, it doesn’t have the mainstream excitement.  Green, minty and only around after Valentine’s day through St. Patrick’s Day.  I’ve heard that there are some places that have it year-round, but that isn’t my area.

As a kid, I was obsessed with the idea of the Shamrock Shake, but knowing it was a mint flavored shake, I never wanted to try it because I was in love with their chocolate shakes.  I didn’t end up trying in until about 12 years ago when I got my wife one and tried a sip.  At that point, I understood why people love them so much.

Originally, per Wikipedia, the Shamrock Shakes were a lemon-lime flavored green shake, then was just a green colored vanilla shake until later in the 70s becoming the mint flavored treat it is today.  They use to mix it with chocolate so you could have a mint chocolate shake, but it was always a hidden menu item until this year when you can officially get one.  In 1980, they created a Shamrock Sundae, which was vanilla ice cream topped with the Shamrock syrup, but that flopped.

This commercial has that cheesy early 80’s feel that you just don’t see anymore.  Take a sip of the shake and feel like a stereotypical Irish leprechaun and start dancing.  That dad looks like he was born to play this part.  Top it off with the announcer talking with a really bad Irish accent and the early 80’s McDonalds jingle and you got yourself an early 80s commercial.  So cheesy, but I love it!

Carvel’s Cookie O’Puss Ice Cream Cake

As a kid, I saw these Carvel commercials, what seems like all the time.  That cheesy high-pitched voice of Cookie Puss, there is just nothing like it.  As a kid, I loved that high-pitched voice and the thought of an ice cream cake left me in wonder.

I didn’t try an ice cream cake until I was well into my teens, so watching this made me think about what was in these ice cream cake.  You saw a bit of what is in it in the commercial, some ice cream, those crunchy cookie bits, but I always wondered if it actually had cake it in.  Later in life I have tried ice cream cake with and without cake in it.  I much prefer without cake.  Give me ice cream, those cookie bits, and maybe some of that caramel that Dairy Queen puts in theirs.  The commercial ends with a Carvel’s spokesman rapping it up.  I love that man’s voice.  Deep and has these relaxed vibe to it.

Researching this article, it looks like Carvel is only a central PA store, but maybe in the 80’s it was bigger?  Unfortunately, I have never tried any Carvel ice cream product, though I think I might have to go to the store, or find a Carvel store and pick something up.


A Comeback?!

I am looking to make a comeback, or at least write a little bit more. My goal is to start writing and get a few articles written down before I start posting. Are their any 70s, 80s or early 90s commercials you want me to review? Leave a message and let me know!